
About Us

We are a specialist security firm serving businesses and organisations globally.We deliver full riskmanagement,bespoke Security Solutions and OperationalSupportServices,designed to meet specialized customer demands,protecting people,travel security assets and invesments.

Vip Global Solutions is a Spanish security company who offers exclusive Close Protection services,at the highest level.If you are coming in a bussiness trip or just visiting any cities of Spain and want to enjoy additional personal safety & security and the peace of mind that comes with it,do not hesitate to contact us and we will make that happen.

With an international in depth knowledge of international practices and CP World business,our professional management and operators are certified and licensed by the most respected Academies like Diplomatic Security Services in US,Security Industry Authority in UK or Spanish National Police adapted to the Private Security. 

Over 20 years experience and proven track records recommend us as a trustful & reliable executive protection provider in urban field.Feel Free to Contact us anytime.

Our Intelligent Operatives stay on top of constantly changing threats and risks by assessing global and local situations.